August 19, 2010

Honorable Mentions

As I prepare to make my way out of crazy S. Florida, here are some things worth sharing:
-I didn't get shot. Yay!! Not from a stray bullet or anything like that ( although it is totally possible). But on purpose. Because there were many times when the "wiser" thing would have been for me to keep my mouth shut since I never knew if the other person was possessing a deadly weapon....
-While waiting for the light to turn green, I saw this lovely lady pull out her tweezers, identify the gray hairs on her head in her side view mirror, and then... pluck them.
-I will no longer have easy access to my mother's amazing cooking. So, I've frozen all of the food that I can and will pack them in my suitcase in the morning. (I have left behind clothes in order to fit all the food)
-I am looking forward to counting the number of pigeons I will see in the airport.... and getting the heck up outta here!

Also, I will go back to eating non-Breyers fdds. I had the most amazing carrot cake today with melted icing and fresh whip cream. Yum-o!

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