May 9, 2010

Today was good

    Few thoughts about today: dream: I ran into Mark Walhberg, and was about to take a picture with him before waking up. Reality: I carry my camera around with me because of a previous dream I had of running into Oprah at my local CVS. Dream: I was prepared to forever document meeting Marky Mark. Reality: I WILL be prepared to document meeting Marky Mark (and Oprah). Fact: I was proud of my waking self and my dream myself...
    I studied a bottle of Softsoap body wash I bought last year and one I bought last week. The new, sleek design hides the fact that it's 3 ounces less than last year's bottle, but the same price.... smart move Softsoap.
    I've really been appreciating the time I'm getting to spend with my mom and my aunt...and also the cake and ice cream we had tonight. Good food and good family, yum.


  1. Several thoughts on this (aren't you glad you told me about this blog?):
    1A. Marky Mark is mine. How many times are we going to go through this?
    2B. I hate when companies do that. It's so mendacious. But Blue Bell is "Still 1/2 Gallon!" And Blue Bell is awesome. You can always trust Blue Bell.
    3C. Ice Cream. Blue Bell. Again.

  2. 1. hey, my subconcious doesn't care, and ya know what? neither does my concious!
    2. um yeah, it IS mendacious.... it is NOT couponacious...defintion: benefiting couponers
    3. yes, yum, blue bell
