May 11, 2010

Saving money...

      First of all, I had a delightful piece of ice cream coated with Dove dark chocolate today. yum.

       My aunt, who is visiting from Jamaica loves the fact that I coupon. And I love the fact that she loves the fact! So couponing with her is exciting and great. But what makes it better is that she converts the savings into the Jamaican equivalent (1 US dollar equals $90 Jamaican). So when I save $3, she's like "that's $270!". And then I get excited, and she gets excited, and then I get more excited... Sigh. So from now on, I'm going to state my savings in Jamaican dollars. So, this weekend, I expect to save over $1,800 dollars at the grocery store. :-)

       And... a friend of mine who is having health issues was supposed to pay the doctor $190 for a visit. But the doctor chose to waive the fee. Later however, she also had to reschedule a flight and as she was discussing how much it was going to cost her, it hit her... the amount she has to pay for the rescheduling is exactly what she DOESN'T have to pay the doctor, $190. And even though, she's out $190, she's not out $380. She believes (and so do I) that it was God's way of letting her know He is in control, He knows everything that will happen and He cares, even though it's not the best of situations. And her response to that revelation: "God is good. And I will praise Him"


  1. ok. No joke. I was writing to someone yesterday about how things in my life are not quite going as I had planned (my plans! ha!), and I wrote: God is good. And I praise Him.
    NO JOKE.
    That story is awesome, and is totally God, and is totally awesome God.
    I am disconcerted by your insistence on using "coupon" as a verb. Noun, Lori. Only ever a noun. Verbs that are acceptable: "save" "amass" "be frugal" "hoard" "pinch pennies" "USE COUPONS" "act slightly bonkers" ... etc.

  2. That IS crazy! This post was for you friend. So was today's. As a wise friend informed me, we just take the next step.
