May 30, 2010

Closed for remodelation

So said the Subway sign....Kudos to them for making up their own word and going public. I support it! And it makes me think that they probably are doing some SERIOUS remodeling and when they open, they might not even be a Subway anymore, but might even be a Quiznos on the inside. Then I thought it fitting to say that I'm remodelating (totally a word, ask Subway) my life. This move back, I'm hoping it's a new improved me :-). And the time that I spent in Florida the past 6 months was my remodelation period.

In other news, I stumbled upon a facebook group that I will join tmw. It honors the commercial I love (and what influenced this blog's website). Enjoy!

Chocolate granola yogurt sandwich!

1 comment:

  1. I do not have supportization of new, fabricationated words. They are the idiotizing of our country-fication. Don't people realize they actually end up sounding more stupid? The new-ified words are stupidizing to people, is what I'm trying to get at.
