Or what one would think a whore house would smell like....The skinny is that I LOVE perfume. And every time I go into a store that has a perfume section, I spray myself. Now this could be a good thing.... actually it never is. I end up smelling like a walking bath and body works shop OR a whore house. And although I do feel bad for the friends or family members that are with me, I still do it. But the addiction has gotten worse and now I smell like this in the confines of my abode. See, I belong to this community called makeup alley where you can swap things like make-up, clothes, perfumes etc. I was cataloging some of my perfume to place on my swap list and I just HAD to spray some on me. My poor friend. Yum... Chanel, Escada, Michael Kors, and Ed Hardy all rolled into one. We'll just call it WH for short. Yep, whore house.
Oh sweet pig indeed today! Barbecue ribs and chocolate yogurt granola sandwich!
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