July 24, 2010

Sometimes you should just pee in your pants....

On the way home today, I HAD to stop at the gas station to use their restroom. HAD to, because if this was not a necessity, I would have run out of the building screaming and never go in there again. The bathroom was nasty (and that image will probably stay with me for the rest of my life). The entire sink was dirty. The floors looked like they hadn't been swept or mopped...ever. The toilet was gross, but luckily there was nothing waiting in there for me. I did however, have company while using the bathroom... yep, the flies. But I made it through. And when I told the cashier that the bathroom could use a little cleaning, he replied that the guy that is supposed to clean it doesn't come until tonite....because he's the only one that can clean it? Please don't act like he cleans it every nite either.

So I now have 2 situations where it is acceptable to pee in your pants: while in the pool, or when faced with the option of using this gas station bathroom again.

Nestle drumstick fdd

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