Well, I found a new kindred spirit today. Who cares that she's approximately 60 years old? And the fact that she doesn't think we are kindred spirits doesn't matter either. I have enough belief for the both of us. So while I was at the bank today, I noticed said lady (we'll name her "Lady" since I didn't get her real name) walking out of an office with a handbag that MATCHED MY WALLET!

Of course I had to bring it to her attention. Lady didn't care. And then she pulls out her own wallet (and begins to show and talk to the bank person about it. Hey! Lady, direct the conversation towards me. I'm the one who pointed it out!). And guess what?!? Her wallet matches a HANDBAG THAT I HAVE AT HOME!

Who would have thunk it? (Lady didn't care about this either). So either she has a youthful fashion sense, or.... we'll just say
she has a youthful fashion sense. And it's not important that Lady didn't care about our matching wallets and handbags. What does matter is that it brightened my day, and who couldn't use a day-brightener?!
I finished the rest of the "chocolate explosion". It's actually called "chocolate eruption"
whoops. Explosion, eruption; it doesn't matter. The important part is how yummy it was the 2nd day.
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