Before I left, I gave a lot of my stocked up food (from my lovely coupon outings) to my friend/current roommate. Well since she happens to only be 1 person, and hasn't been able to eat it, a lot of it is STILL here! (and some of it is expired) Well now, I need more space, because the couponer in me is ready to stockpile new items. I mean, when you can get 2 packages of cheese and eggs for $1.33, you HAVE to buy it and you HAVE to have space for it ( I think it's a law written somewhere). So 2 things are going to happen to create more space: when I hang out with friends, I will probably show up with random grocery items that I will
force them to take (surplus items) AND I'm going to find somewhere/someone to take the other surplus and expired items (they are not grossly expired-within the last 2 months or so)...
Leftover ribs and Ben & Jerry's strawberry cheesecake ice cream! The good stuff!
Oh, and that shoebox from yesterday's shoe episode came in handy :-)
ok cat lady. I am forewarned about the groceries, although... you know you already did that, right? hahaha.