May 18, 2010


     I've had the privilege in this season of "retirement" to get lots of beauty rest. And it has paid off today. Before I get into that, I must say that last nite, I only got 5 hours of sleep, not my usual 8-10. And I FELT IT. My cells felt un-re-juvenated. There were bags under my eyes and I was GRUMPY! So I've decided that IF I ever work again (ok, ok, WHEN I work again), I'm going to try and get a full nite's rest as much as I can. So yes, this might mean going to bed at 'old-lady hours' 6pm if needed! Anyways, moving on. While getting my hair done, the hair dresser's cousin stopped by. She is one of those feisty, dramatic, funny people and I automatically liked her. She said hello to me on her way in and on her way out she said to me, "bye beautiful, good luck with the hair". I don't care if she calls everyone beautiful, including the neighbor's cat. It's always nice to hear someone say that. It makes you sit taller, smile wider, and flip your hair with just a little bit more flair (especially when you have a new do). So thank you funny stranger lady for brightening my day.

I've been a little worried that I haven't been showing enough love for the pig. But all is well in the world because I remembered that I had pepperoni over the weekend and forsee bacon in the future. Breyers (with cake) again tonite... probably won't be much more of that since I've picked out all the chocolate pieces I liked...


  1. I've been hearing a lot about bacon on desserts, like bacon on cupcakes and on ice cream. I'm just saying... I mean *I* wouldn't try it, but go for it. Anyway, I knew this woman in Australia that kept calling me gorgeous, and I loved it (especially with her Aussie accent!) and then she told me my resume was gorgeous, and as quickly as I realized she used "gorgeous" to describe everything, I chose to ignore it, because I had been feeling awesome about her calling me "gorgeous". So there.

  2. Hmmm, sounds yummy. I'm sure there is bacon ice cream somewhere... yep! here: and

    OOOhhh gorgeous would have been even nicer!
