July 28, 2010

2nd driver says "Oh!"

I've been "fondly" given the title, second driver. It's just a nicer way of saying that I'm a "back seat driver" and that when I'm in the passenger seat of your car, I have license to make lots of exclamations and tell you where to go and how to drive. However, I understand that this is not an appropriate position to hold in everyone's car since some people don't like being told how to drive. Hmph, their loss. Well today, I was socially appropriate as I was riding in the passenger seat with my friend. This is the first time I've ridden in her car as a passenger.... and it will probably be the last. Oh, me? Thanks for the offer friend, I'll just take my car. See you there! Although I like her confidence in being able to brake effectively, I'm not so fond of the distance she puts between her car and the one in front of her and the FREQUENCY of her "effective braking". So because being a 2nd driver is my nature and because it wouldn't work very well for me to exclaim "oh" several times during the car ride (especially when she slammed on the brakes)... I shut my eyes. Hey, who needs to see an accident anyway?

Chocolate brownie at Mimi's cafe. Yummy!

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