May 25, 2010

Road Warrior

After being the ultimate road warrior, I am sooo tired....zzzzz.... ok, awake now. Notes from the field: a car came into my lane and I honked the heck out of him. And instead of my car saying "HEY JERK, STAY IN YOUR LANE", it whispers, "hey, hey you, please don't come over here, please and thank you". And then I was behind a friend and honked at her just to mess with her because she was just sitting at the light when it turned green. Then I called her to gloat about honking her and she responded that she never heard me. So you know what? I'm going to install a big honking truck horn. That'll show you drivers that me and my mazda are serious business.

I saw lots and lots of trees today, beautiful trees, with GASP, water. Oh South Carolina, how I've missed you so!


  1. (((honk honk!)))
    when are we getting ice cream! SC missed you. A lot. We're glad you're back!!

  2. ICE CREAMMM!!! And I'm super glad to be back! IC (what we'll now refer to it as) will probably be after this weekend because I'm still getting settled in :-(. But when we have it, it'll be a-mazing.
